Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Truth

Stand up and tell all, ‘The Truth’ shall set you free,
Is that a lesson for them for you or is it one for me?
So often we hear and are constantly being told,
Speak the truth shout out, stop being shy and be bold.

How can we discern the lies and whispers that abound?
From the news readers at night, and the crowds all around
There is one sure way to know which story is real,
It’s the tell tale sign of how the words make us feel.

The truth is something that once twisted and bent,
Can be detected by the nose, as an unpleasant sent.
We know deep inside what is right from wrong
When the truth’s no longer real the results tend to pong.

It’s not for us to right the world’s lies?
To detect all deceit as the rhetoric flies
We are not jury nor are we the judge
But we are responsible for the words we fudge.

Stop looking and listening and wondering who you can beat
Allow your soul to vet your stories you tell to compete
It’s not if you’re better or bigger or size of the tails you tell
The true test of truth comes each morning, by if you slept well

A clear mind, light heart and unflustered brain
Are the sign of exaggerations and untruths held in refrain.
If you only share the actual and real
There’s no telling the benefit to good health you’ll feel.

So when challenged in future to bend just a little
Remember the truth isn’t flexible it’s really quite brittle
To break trust with falsehoods right from the start
Will tarnish your image and cloud over your heart.

Speak up and be true for the facts are to real
Forget what others think but see how you feel
Tall stories are fleeting and exaggerations fade fast
people remember and your integrity that my friend will last

©Rev. Steve  23 Sept 2007

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What if...?

What if…you were to think?
What if... you were to act upon those thoughts?
What if…your actions made a difference?
What if… that difference changed the life of another?
What if… that other also thought?
What if… they acted upon their thought?
What if… their actions changed the world?
What if… you were to think?
What if… you did not act on your thoughts?
What if… your lack of action made a difference?
What if… it didn’t change the life of another?
What if… they did not think?
What if… they did not act?
What if… because of you the world was not changed?
What if… you had the courage to make a move?
What if… you had the courage to be the first?
What if… you could not fail?
What if… you could make a difference?
What if… you were God, what would you expect of you?
What if… you give it a go?
Rev. Steve 16/01/08

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ode to the Old

You stand you stare wondering what’s there,
Tell me please what you imagine tell me what you see
Are you afraid that it’s you & not me?
Are you afraid that I got a raw deal
Are you afraid about how you may feel?

Do you see someone disfigured and bent?
Am I like a message that nobody sent?

Or do you see someone old and so frail
You’re wrong, you’re wrong, 
I’m still young, I’m, just locked in this jail
Listen and learn as I tell you my Tale,                  

I am the same as I was before
I remember what it was like to be the girl next door
Your whole life’s in front of you and nothing will end
That’s the sad thing I’ve discovered my friend.

Each day you worry and work till you drop
Life will be better if we buy one more prop
It’s not the beads or the bangles that shine
Here take it all, you can even have mine.

The essence of life is all that’s aroundThe birds the trees and the earth on the ground
To many to late find out that it’s false
Take hold of your life and plot a new course.

Experience it all and live as you can
Fear nothing whether real or imagined beast or a man
All you have and all you can hold
Cherish it now before you get old.

©Rev. Steve  2003

Friday, October 8, 2010

Word Power

Language is a system of words that we use
They can build up and nurture or cut down and abuse
Words come from letters jumbled and dropped into place
They can warm and comfort or be a slap in the face

I used to use words to cut and to sting
Then I discovered the most incredible thing
When I shot barbs intending to harm
I found that my soul was never quite calm

Casting insults and digs at people we know
Seems to inhibit our own energy flow
We think it quite smart and the real deal
Never taking time to see how they feel

Next time you’re tempted to run down a mate
Recognise your folly before it’s too late
We are all in this life and interconnected as one
They too are someone’s father, brother or son

How does it feel when one of your own
Is the brunt of a complaint or somebody’s moan
Treat all that you meet with a smile or a grin
Let their true light shine and don’t make it dim 

The next person you meet I challenge you all
Make a real effort to help them stand tall
Life is no contest you don’t win or lose
The result of your life is the words that you choose.

If thoughts can be things and words make us think
Imagine the power of dialogue and the potential of ink
Wars have been started and many lives lost
For the sake of a few wrong words carelessly tossed

Be clear in your intent and precise with your speech
For the words that are used, you know not whom they reach
Give up your whispers, don’t speak out of school,
The one that starts rumours and gossip is considered a fool

Talk about others in a positive way
It’s not them, but your character that’s on display
A kind word here and knowing thought
Is a small price to pay but a great life can be bought

So if things are what you want, to have and to hold
Think big with you projects, step out and be bold
All is possible with deep thought and persistence
But the real magic starts, by speaking it, into existence

©Rev. Steve 6606

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Depressed and depleted

Depressed and depleted
Down and defeated
All alone
No one to phone.

Lying here in a mental slurry
What’s the purpose of my life why even worry
Things that I try turn foul and feaster
If God is real he must be a jester

I’m given hope and a new chance
Only to find I’m kicked in the pants
Not one place have I seen where life declared to be fair
Yet I have enough food and can breathe the air

This journey I’m on is nothing but clay
To be mounded and shaped by the acts of the day
To do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Is that the real message a heavenly clue

Stop wallowing and stumbling and falling around
Aim for the sky and get your feet off the ground
If this is how life works then surely we must dream
Focus on a point and work on a scheme

The bigger the target the higher risk
Like a clay pigeon shooter aim for the disk
Something to go for, something to do
That is the life blood and secret to you

Think higher that before, it’s a real must
Believe in yourself and build on that trust
The world is waiting for you to appear
The world in eager and willing to hear

Tell your story and spare no details
Not to do so is the only way one fails
Not to have spoken not to have shared
Not to have loved not to have cared

This is the essence of you, it has to be
Not to think tragically oh poor me
Help those in need and do what you can
You are not a failure you are a great man. 

You have the gift of healing and so you should do
But the first one to heal is the one they call you
Reach down in side and massage your heart
It is the beginning it’s the real start

Once others have seen where you had once been
They will draw strength and get off the fence
It takes courage to lead
So go plant the seed

You are the one whose time has come
You are the one that has the challenge ahead
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do as I said
Use your life for the living and stop living in dread.

Your cup will run over with joy and delight
The moment you realise that what I say is right
Dare to dream and believe in what you can do
The world is now waiting to see the real you.

©Rev. Steve 16406 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When our lives get wobbly and we’re all out of sorts,
The world seems strange and we forget our supports.
We loose sight of the objective and our focus is lost,
Emotions run erratically, into uncertainty we’re tossed.

It’s time to step back and to view from above,
All that has happened is we have forgotten self love.
Once centered again and the beliefs made strong,
A new perspective appears on what went wrong.

Life is intended to have ups and its downs,
One moment is tragedy then we’re dancing with clowns.
The dark clouds roll in and block out our sun,
Only to be blown away to show blue skies have won.

When all the fear in your heart subsides,
You’ll find where your muse and angel resides.
Hope and truth and hate and fear,
Are the opposite ends of the same spectrum it’s clear.

So how do we function and get through the day,
It’s a challenge to do but easy to say.
All things in moderation, in the bible we read,
That’s the beginning of the answer, it planted the seed.

To get the most out of our three score and ten,
Want to know the secret… I’ll tell it to you then.
Sometimes we get burnt and sometimes cold,
Some people die young and others old.

The truth is to be active we must never rest,
Each day try something new and everything test.
Enjoy the life that you have been given to live,
It’s all about balance to receive and to give.

©Rev. Steve  241007

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Cloak

The cloak of many colours is a story we’ve been told,
It’s the tale of Jacob and his brothers from the book of old.
We all have that same cloak, deep within ourselves
You can even get to see it, if one really delves.

It’s a flowing cloak of colour displaying all our joy,
It’s not a cloak of darkness that sets out to destroy.
Why is it that our colours are not twinkling or so bright?
Why is it that our colours can’t be seen at night?

The reason they’re not glowing and shining as they should,
Has naught to do with how we act or even if we’re good.
The reason they’re not vivid and the answer is quite clear,
We never let them really sparkle, because of inner fear.

We fear what others think and do or even what they say.
Like that way they pointed at us just the other day,
The fear of being laughed at or hurt so deep and hard,
That sharp pain we felt, when last we dropped our guard.

Yet, those all around us have the same cloak within,
Maybe it is well hidden or just below the skin.
The cloak of many colours is a cherished gift from God,
Not to show it off or wear it, really seems quite odd.

Wear the cloak of colour on the outside of yourself,
Be proud of who you are and climb down from the shelf.
By wearing your cloak of colour from now until tomorrow,
Sends a signal to the rest of ‘em that they too, can join and follow.

Let your sunshine out and allow the world to share,
Don’t be ashamed of who you are, let them stand and stare!
You are the leading light and not the one that’s wrong,
Go on ..... reach down deep inside and put that darn cloak on.

                                                                ©Rev. Steve 260506

Faith over Fear

Faith is the force that overcomes fear
Fear is the feeling I shouldn’t be hear
Fear is what takes and shortens of lives
Fear is crippling but it’s faith that survives

Fear will stop us and make us fall short
I should have sold this or never have bought
It’s a tag we don’t ask for but seem to wear
It is the barrier that stops us from taking that dare

Oh fear in my heart why so strong
I’ve lived with you there, for maybe, to long
It is time to go and haunt another
With faith in your place I soon will recover

Growing stronger each day and starting to shine
The love that now glows is real and it’s mine
To give and to share it doubles each day
I now have no fear as I work, rest and play

I can now see the world in its true light
God’s love have I found and it feel just right
Now I can stretch out and reach where I may
The glory of faith is here to stay

For those that still doubt or are reluctant to try
Remember the day is coming, when you too will die
So resist the temptation to put it of now
Seek someone out that has been there, and ask them how

Go with the new feeling, enjoy the excitement within
Don’t dwell on the what ifs but focus on win
You are the star and the performance is yours
Look at the audience see how it roars

Stand up straight and defiantly stare
Once you look fear in the eye it will find it no longer is there
Faith is the weapon on which conquests are born
Faith is the healer, so no longer be torn.

Once Faith is excepted and acknowledged as true
Then the facade can be dropped to reveal the real you
Be the first of your group to try it and see
And never be ashamed to say, hello world, this is the real me.

©Rev. Steve  250406

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Be Driven By Dreams Instead of Dread.

Be driven by dreams instead of dread,
Live life for all it’s worth before you are dead.
Embrace each day as if it were new,
Show the world the beauty of you.

Love can be found in all that you see,
The sky the land the bark of a tree.
Praise the bird up high in the clouds,
Be kind to the people that mill in the crowds.

Hug and hold all that you know,
Wear a smile on your face wherever you go.
When you feel down or at a loose end,
Find someone less fortunate and to them, be a friend.

It’s not what we make or take that matters,
It’s what remains of our endless chatters.
Do we belittle and rundown as we go,
Or when we’ve left do we leave a warm glow?

You are one and angles are few,
There is so little time and so much to do.
God is busy and depending on us,So why waste your time making a fuss?

Reach out a hand and shoulder the load,
With strong steady steps start on the road.
The sun at your back and your heart in your chest
You’ve only one life so give it your best.

©Rev. Steve 2006

My Inner Child

Together one day I said to myself,
What’s wrong, how’s it going with our mental health?
We are meant to be one, you and me,
Why is it then sometime it feels like I’m three?

With stern words and whispers,
I screamed at myself,
Come sit down beside me,
We’ll cure this with stealth.

Solemnly doing as I was bid I sat and considered the role of the kid.
It’s there to excite be curious and wild.
Why is it then I fear for my child?

Is it for the horrors and the things in the night?
Is it my conscience causing me fright?
Why is that a child so free, has the power and courage to control the real me.

I am now older with kids of my own,
I’m the real king that shall sit on the throne.
Harkin to me my dear little one,
I’m in charge now, and we’ll still have some fun!

Should things get scary, as they probably will, have faith, trust and love together you and me, we’ll fit like a hand in a glove.
No longer from now will we ever be three
For I have discovered the adult is me.

©Rev. Steve 6802

The Voice and the Heart

The Voice and the heart are in integral part
Of the way we live and the course that we chart
With a voice you can ask challenge and obey
Where as our heart gives meaning to the day

To be able to convey thoughts ideas or a dream
A voice is all that’s needed or so it would seem
But where does the passion and intensity start
The answer is right here deep down in the heart

So others may follow and achieve as we can
God first gave voice to his creation called man
A voice made noises and knowledge it could impart
But the voice lacked emotion and that wasn’t smart

What’s missing or needed he pondered and said
Something to give expression but not in the head
So he went to work, got creative and gave it his best
That’s why you’ll find your heart placed in the chest

It a fragile affair and protected by bone
It’s where our inner self lives when we’re all alone
The rib cage it there to guard against harm
It’s not there to dull or block out our charm

So remember as you speak and share with another
Don’t just use your voice or heart as one or the other
To communicate with people pass on the message you intend
Use words with your voice to sooth but it’s the love from your heart that can mend.

©Rev. Steve 2006