The cloak of many colours is a story we’ve been told,
It’s the tale of Jacob and his brothers from the book of old.
We all have that same cloak, deep within ourselves
You can even get to see it, if one really delves.
It’s a flowing cloak of colour displaying all our joy,
It’s not a cloak of darkness that sets out to destroy.
Why is it that our colours are not twinkling or so bright?
Why is it that our colours can’t be seen at night?
The reason they’re not glowing and shining as they should,
Has naught to do with how we act or even if we’re good.
The reason they’re not vivid and the answer is quite clear,
We never let them really sparkle, because of inner fear.
We fear what others think and do or even what they say.
Like that way they pointed at us just the other day,
The fear of being laughed at or hurt so deep and hard,
That sharp pain we felt, when last we dropped our guard.
Yet, those all around us have the same cloak within,
Maybe it is well hidden or just below the skin.
The cloak of many colours is a cherished gift from God,
Not to show it off or wear it, really seems quite odd.
Wear the cloak of colour on the outside of yourself,
Be proud of who you are and climb down from the shelf.
By wearing your cloak of colour from now until tomorrow,
Sends a signal to the rest of ‘em that they too, can join and follow.
Let your sunshine out and allow the world to share,
Don’t be ashamed of who you are, let them stand and stare!
You are the leading light and not the one that’s wrong,
Go on ..... reach down deep inside and put that darn cloak on.
©Rev. Steve 260506
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